Tag Archives: Genesis

Be Still 8.19: Hometown Bricks

For a great door is opened to me, filled with opportunities and many opponents.

1 Corinthians 16:9 Aramaic Bible

Daily prayers.

Daily Bible verses.

Daily devotions.

Daily meditations to ponder and hold close as I seek to gain wisdom and find those rocks of promise to stand upon in times of trial or celebration.

The miraculous blending of all these things still brings me to my knees in awe when I finally open my eyes and ears to see how FATHER GOD has been not only listening to me, but responding to me in ways that I could never have anticipated.

‘One door opened with opportunities and opponents.’ 

Those things always seem to be paired together in life and in the Bible – and while one door has opened in this late summer month of August, there are many things and many more doors to walk through before whatever this adventure He has set my feet upon is completed.  In any case, when YAH responds to a fleece prayer in Biblical His-story, I’ve noticed that an act of faith is usually a good thing to do to open up more opportunities.

“Leave your country, your kindred, and your father’s household, and go to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1

Abraham saw the open door and responded in an act of faith.  He had a GOD’s promise that good and bad things would come, but overall, he would be blessed, so he closed his tent flaps, packed it up, and set out on a journey that he hadn’t anticipated. Leaving all the routines, places, and people that he knew and loved behind.

So today……..I dug up bricks. Heavy, paving bricks made in Wooster, OH, many, many decades ago.  They had served my small hometown well through buggies and early cars, but paving was becoming the thing to do, so the bricks had to go.  It just so happened that they were on a street in my hometown; a street that was close to my childhood home. My ‘depression-raised’ parents loaded up a bunch of them and brought them home for re-use since the city offered them for free to anyone who would haul them away.  I can’t name how many uses they were put to use around our home. However, there was a small brick patio underneath the ‘out-door’ dryer – which was really a bunch of plastic covered ropes, strung in an octagon of many rings around a pole so that mom wouldn’t have to walk or move her basket of wet clothes. On a beautiful day, she would just turn the pole (which in time became one of my chores) and ‘whistled while she worked’ – literally. It was one of the last things my daddy built before that first heart attack. 

Anyhoo (as my mom would say), I took a few of these bricks with me throughout my own journeys in this life.  They built shelves during my college years, garden borders, props, toy shelves for the kidlets, blocs for farm machinery, and eventually, a cross for my parents, in-laws, and grandparents’ in the memorial gardens that I built somewhere in each of my yards.

Going to visit my parents in a cemetery just never sat well in my soul.  After all, I have a promise from Jesus Christ that they would be with him – and not in a cemetery. Sitting under a big oak tree on one of their old metal lawn chairs, surrounded by flowers that they had all taught me how to grow and love seemed a whole ‘bunch more right’…especially with a cross made of hometown bricks.

Hometown bricks aren’t as strong and eternal as the Rocks that ELOHIM created for us to stand upon in times of trouble or celebration, but for man-made ‘rocks’ they do a pretty good job. Some are chipped; others worn down; colors darkened to almost brown. Out of the 20 that I brought to NC, there are only 19 bricks left. Today, I remembered how heavy they are, and I really do hope this is the last time I have to move them. Yet, I can’t leave them behind.  There is – perhaps – one more memorial garden to build.  The last metal lawn chair rusted through this past year as the seat separated from the back – but – the chaise lounge that my dad built is still in pretty good shape.  I just need to find a spot big enough to place it, and a cushion that is also big enough to fit it.    

In the meantime, I am waiting and trying to keep my eyes open and focused on finding GOD‘s will in this adventure.  There might be one more move (if so, this will be the 25th time I have moved since I left my childhood home) in this old lady at least if He continues to open those doors and push aside the opponents.

Actually, I hope it is only one more.  As I talk to FATHER GOD and pull the covers up around my ears each night, I always try to remind Him that rapture would be a nice surprise before morning and that His Son, YESHUA, is just waiting for the signal to come get His Bride.  I know He is listening as I hear Him laugh, and He wraps His peace all around me as He tenderly closes my mind to sleep. 

GOD is good.  All the time – GOD is good.

#latterdays  #Hedrawethnigh  #rapture

Be Still 5.25: Staircase

Two weeks ago, I began to write this reflection on things that have been drifting through my mind. And then….. 


Life that disrupts the routine.

Life that re-orients priorities.

Life that opens the eyes to bright colors.

Life that removes the shades of ordinary days.

Life that re-energizes that which has become worn down.

Life that breaks the stillness of the last 4 months.

Life that He has designed just for me.

“And he saw in a dream, and behold, a staircase set up on the earth, and the top met Heaven, and behold, the Angels of God were going up and coming down on it.  And behold LORD JEHOVAH was standing above it, and LORD JEHOVAH said: “I AM the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac…” 

Genesis 1:28:12

Since the beginning of my time here on earth, staircases have intrigued me. They have captivated a corner of my thought process in too many ways to count. My first childhood home on Campbell Street, there was a steep stairway to navigate if I wanted to get to my parents’ room. Sometimes, I would perch on the top step, bite my bottom lip, and inch my butt down to the next step. There weren’t any night lights in that dark, narrow casement. Just the tiniest sliver of light from a street light outside my brother’s small window that managed to bring some light to the situation. Step-by-step, I would bump my body down into the darkness just so I could run around the corner and squeeze into that small space between Dad and Mom.

Staircases have appeared in my dreams, in my collection of quotes, in my writings, in doodles on the side of my papers, and even some in the frames that hang on my wall.  I do remember falling down the stairs in my next childhood home on Riverside Dr, but the damage was minimal, and I barely remember it – EXCEPT – never wear socks when jumping down several stairs at a time.

We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,
We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,
We are climbing Jacob’s ladder,
Soldiers of the cross.


I had a dream about an old staircase the other night. I had been sitting in a big room with others that I knew were a mixture of Jews and Christians.  We had been listening to speakers for quite awhile when they announced we were to look under our seats.  One by one, the people around me found the things under their seat and disappeared up the stairs. When I looked, I found one of those large plastic totes that was full of water. I looked at the staircase again.

“Every round goes higher, higher….”

If you’ve ever been in an old cathedral and looked at some of the staircases behind all the beauty of the cathedral itself, then you have a good idea of what I was seeing in my dream. Dark wood.  Narrow. Little light. Levels upon levels to climb. And – somewhat scary – to this ol’ woman.

With my arthritic back and knees, I was wondering how this would work, but figured I could scoot it one step at a time. The first couple of levels weren’t too bad, but the very top of the stair was still out of sight, and there was a barrier to get to the next level that required me to heft that tote over it.  Needless to say, I was tired, nervous, and doubted that the knees or back could take it any further.  It was then, I heard my name.

“Children, do you love my Jesus?”

One of the Rabbis that had spoken to us had returned.  He had one of the biggest smiles I had ever seen as he reached out his hands and told me to hand him the tote. I sighed as I looked at the height of the barrier. It would be hard, but maybe I wouldn’t spill any of the water if I was careful. I fully expected every part of my body to hurt, but to my surprise, when I complied, everything worked without pain, and somehow, I saw that the tote was now on his side. I remember laughing and reaching for his hand to jump over the barrier ……..   when …..  of course  ……….   I woke up.



Stone steps up a high peak or down to a low valley.

Whatever concept is pictured in my mind, the imagery leaves me pondering, thoughtful, wondering. Whether it is as I struggle to take that next step – hoping that the knees don’t buckle – or whether it is not being able to see clearly the next step, I reach out and step forward.

“Rise, shine, give GOD the glory.”

Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”  And He said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

John 1:50-51

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

Be Still 3.18: Nutty Wisdom

I always blamed the choc lab girls, but lately, I’ve figured out that it is squirrels being ‘squirrely’.  They love playing in the mulch and throwing it all over the patio, porch and ramp…and now…they have discovered that climbing the pergola and chewing off wisteria branches is even more fun.  If the broom and I worked hard every day, we still couldn’t keep up with all the fun they are having decorating my outside spaces.  That being said, it gives me a great excuse to grumble and go outside to get active for a little while.

“Ain’t got the brains GOD gave a squirrel.”

Idioms are fun things to say, but not sure they are always strong in the wisdom department.  After all, I have watched squirrels use any hard surface available to crack a nut.  Plant a nut and dig it back up in the spring. Hang upside down on the bird feeder to get the last seed that the birds missed and promptly chomp it down.  I don’t think I could eat anything upside down – but squirrels can.

“Squirrel around.”

“Squirrel your money.”

“Squirrel out of something.”

“Squirrel something away.”

“Acting squirrely.”

I am beginning to think Our Father made the squirrel just to squirrel with our minds.

“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

Genesis 1:31

So yeah – I generally ‘squirrel around’ a little by starting my days laughing at the squirrels and birds outside my east facing window.  The sun is warm. The gas logs chase away the chill of the night. It is the perfect place to do my morning devotions, IF – I can’t be sitting on the patio or front porch.  Today, I was listening to the Mike Rowe podcast interview with Charles W. Cooke.  They mentioned that the new telescope had discovered a small red dot far, far away. Scientists are still discussing it, but theorize that it is a completely new universe which totally contradicts the “expanding universe” theory and “squirreling up” previously accepted “truths” in science. 

Our physical “truths” change because we are neither omniscient or omnipresent as Our Father who created all things…even squirrely squirrels.

Squirrels actively jump around – seemingly without much direction.  Squirrels hanging upside down on trees, limbs and sky-high pergolas.  Squirrels showing determination on getting that last seed – even out of the “squirrel resistant” feeder. Squirrels proving Our Father has a sense of great sense of humor – since it is their squirrely essence that makes us laugh.  Yet, they are so ignored that they are not even mention in His Holy WORD even though they are indigenous to all the Biblically inhabited lands .

I’ve found that after these many decades of life, it is in the insignificant, humblest of creatures, through which Our Father manifests some of His greatest wisdom – if our eyes and ears are open to perceive.  “Nuts of His spiritual truths” buried along our paths and designed for such a time as this – times when we most need to discover wisdom. We may have to jump from scary, wobbly limbs to even scarier limbs; dig through a whole lot of nasty dirt; crack open a few empty hulls; and even hang upside down to achieve food to survive…….but in eternity….that “nut of spiritual truth” is truly what we need to survive these latter days.

The good news is that Our Father has given us all the tools that we need to harvest those nuts. Sharp claws to hang on or dig when needed. Pouches to carry a lot of manna. A brain pre-programmed to know how to find and crack open those rare nuts.  A heart that endeavors to push forward over and over again.  Tiny forearms that can hold and place those nuts precisely to retrieve that wisdom. Powerful back legs that propel the body to any high rock of safety. But – occasionally – when the we fail to use what has been given, that nut falls out of the tree right on our squirrely head.  Thus the idiom – “Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally”.

Like squirrels, we can sometimes be a stubborn, stiff-necked people. Our Father tries His hardest to give us clues, signs or prophecies on where to find His Nuts. He sends other squirrels to chatter at us.  Birds of prey and other critters to chase us towards His path where those nuts are buried. Lots of nut trees to tempt us forward.  The real question comes when we find those precious nuts. 

Do we gather just enough for the day so that we can digest all the nutrients within them…or do we gorge ourselves and end up regurgitating it all but gaining nothing from it? 

The question for me tonight?  An opossum showed up knocking at my front door – literally – scratching at the door until I came out.  We had this little serious eye-to-eye contact and stroll around the porch. I’ve seen him/her around for the last couple of months and been praying in thankfulness for all the ticks that he/she will find to eat.  But tonight, this one looked hungry, tired and maybe, a little old by the completely white face.  So I prayed a little more and put out some food. 

Now all I have to do is convince the choc lab girl, that this little one can live close by without getting chased, and pondering what lesson the opossum is here to teach me.

Seriously, YAH, an opossum?

May the glory of the Lord endure forever,
   may the Lord rejoice in his works

Psalm 104:31

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

AFFIRMATION 2022: 30 Days of Pray for America, Day 20: In the Beginning….

I had forgotten.

Actually, it is easy to forget.  To forget where we started.  To forget why it was important in the first place.  To forget the goal that once had seemed impossible to ever lose sight of in the Light of the bright Son who started it all.

In these latter days, the beginning seems so far away.  When a world was shaped out of nothing – when a garden stood waiting – when a finger reached down and wrote in the dust of the ground – when a hand lifted the dust and molded it into a shape never before seen – when an eternal voice spoke into physical ears for the first time – “Friend”.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”

Genesis 1:1

Tonight, as I was yawning and getting myself ready to walk Choc lab girl outside and say my goodnight prayers, I remembered that there were a couple of friends who had doctor appointments today.  I’m not good at praying in a formal way.  I seem better at writing down prayer requests, tossing a prayer shaped around a WORD that the Spirit whispers in my ear, and then checking back in with that friend and forming new prayers.

It has been a real process for YHWH to get me this far in the prayer process.  The neat thing is that – He never gives up, never gives up on us (and if you were unfortunate enough to be in my head – this is where the popular praise song starts singing loudly). In the beginning…I had a hard time focusing long enough to even listen for the Spirit’s voice.  I was busy with life.  I had things to do.  I had a plan. I missed a lot.

The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.  And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:9

But tonight, when I got back on line to check on the friends that I hadn’t checked on earlier, I tumbled into a different post. This post was of Genesis 1 – one of my favorite parts of the WORD.  I have read it too many times to count.  I have memorized most of it as a child. I have written about it – in poetry – in prose – in dreams. I have sung it in many different choral arrangements and solos (my favorite is now singing in my head, so switch gears if you’re still listening: Aaron’s Copeland’s “In the Beginning”).

In the beginning…everything that was – was created for us.  In the beginning…we had a friend who wanted to walk and talk with us.  In the beginning…it was good.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Genesis 2:7

Rauch Ha’Kodesh whispered in my ear tonight.  “In the Beginning…” and true to form, I looked up and said, “Seriously? It is late. I am tired. The dog needs to go out. Shadow-Spooky-Sparkle kitty is talking running like a crazy cat between rooms. This could take all night.” He laughed and said, “Like always, I got you.”

I knew when I heard that whisper that I would to write – that I would to pray – that I would coalesce all the prayers that have been circling within me all day and pour them out into black and white words.  Prayers for my children. Prayers for the Grands.  Prayers for extended family. Prayers for former students and friends. Prayers for our nation.

Prayers for those who do not recognize that we need to return to the beginning to find the garden we left so long ago. Prayers for the garden that we all continue to dream of for our country in 2022.  Prayers where we will walk together with our friends – – – Our Friend, who, unbelievably, still wants to walk with us.

Prayers for the Light to shine on the hill within all of us, so that it begins to shine brightly within our country – once again.  Prayers that we all open that narrow gate that leads to a new beginning – a beginning that will never end.

#latterdays  #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

AFFIRMATION 2022: Hallow

Hallow: hal·​low | \ ˈha-(ˌ)lō  \ – noun/verb – Old English origin

hallow; n. hallowed; hallowing; hallows; v.

1to make holy or set apart for holy use

2: to respect greatly: Venerate.

This word has been wondering around in my head over the years of my life. I still remember looking it up as a child as I tried to understand my prayers.  At this point in our society, it is one of those words that is almost, except for those who recite The Lord’s Prayer or for those who celebrate Halloween.  The irony – or the paradox – of it only being recited for a bright Light of our world or the celebration of one of a dark celebration of our world, isn’t lost in my thoughts.

  • Division.
  • Separation.
  • Disunion.
  • Segmentation.

“And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

Genesis 2:9
  • Two trees in a garden.
  • Two people.
  • Two choices.
  • Light – Dark.
  • Right – Wrong.
  • Judgement – Affirmation.

We tend, as a people, to see things in binary vision.  Is it because our history started that way – or is it just the way things are in this world?  Every choice we make – whether little or big – have their inevitable consequences that come down as a result of choice.

  • Get a new puppy or a senior dog?
  • Buy hamburgers or steak?
  • Fill the gas tank or a half tank?
  • Take a walk or sit on the couch?
  • Vote or – – not.
  • Pray or  – – not.

You’ve got the idea. These are the days of choices. You may never see how your choices affect the world, and yet – even those small decisions affect a small number of people and those people affect other people until the ripples form a multitude of waves that are blessings or curses in this huge place we call life. 

Choices that we all make – everyday.

  • Open our eyes or keep them shut.
  • Plant flowers or veggies.
  • Eat our food or share it with others.
  • Bring laughter or tears of sadness to someone each day.
  • Open the Bible or let it continue to gather dust.

In the Bible, GOD outlines how blessings and curses work. He did it from day one with Adam and Eve.  Since then, He continues to watch and let us learn.  A famous actor recently said that in one of his worst times, he heard GOD tell him that life isn’t supposed to be easy. To me: It is a classroom.  A classroom with quizzes, essays, tests and eventually a final.

The Bema Seat or the Judgement Seat? Your choice.

“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness (hallowness), without which no one will see the Lord”

Hebrews 12:14

#timessuchasthese  #latterdays #rapture

AFFIRMATION 2022: Anger Rises

We don’t understand.  The anger rises.  The sadness overtakes us.  We question the senselessness of it all.  Fear raises its hands and begs us to hide our heads like an ostrich until the dirt clogs our nostrils – our ears, and blinds our eyes with the filth of all the darkness that surrounds us during these latter days.  It is not the guns, the knives, the rocks, or the trauma of everyday life, it is the hardened hearts.

“…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

Earlier today, I was called to prayer by the Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha’Kodesh. I had no idea for what; I only knew the call of His voice – my Shepherd, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. This verse kept reasserting itself over and over as I prayed.  Only later as the news crept its way into my retirement world, I understood in part… 

 –a teacher praying for another teacher and students given to their spheres

– a grandma praying for another grandma looking at her grandson

– a teacher/preacher who is required to write tonight

– a reminder of another verse that continued to circle as I prayed.

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:43-45

Lately, after I have walked choc lab girl for her last long walk, I’ve spent my early evenings listening to Westminster Canterbury’s Evensongs or their Daily Evening Meditations (which is a new version of the Morning prayers that they started doing during the lockdowns of COVID). It quiets my night with music, poetry, psalms, and usually a devotional reference to whatever church event is at hand on the calendar. It re-focuses my spiritual eyes in the right direction as I prepare for sleep, and reminds me that no matter what has happened, how sad or depressed I may “feel”, feelings are secondary – “faith” is necessary.  My feet find the rocks of affirmation that YAH has laid in my path before I even took a step, and I am humbled to remember that He is omniscient.  I may not understand – but HE does.

“Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God?  But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.  Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.”

Genesis 50:19-21

This was the first verse I wrote in my journal today.  It has circled in my heart all day. The Holy Spirit was already laying the affirmations for the day – for the message He wanted me to write for others.  We don’t understand any more than Joseph did when his brothers beat him and sold him into slavery.  The amazing part is Joseph didn’t lose his footing on the affirmations that had been given him.  I’m sure he had his questions, his anger, his doubts.  Our humanness weakens us in all situations.  But – unlike the ostrich, he kept his head out of the darkness, and his feet on the rocks laid under his feet from before he took his first step.

Tonight, I am standing fast on the rocks under my feet.  I am praying and letting the Holy Spirit groan for me when I lose my words – like I did this afternoon – because I really am not good at this whole prayer warrior thing yet.  I am still learning, but I am trying harder. When I hear His voice calling tonight, I try even harder.  He is reminding us that this ugly walk today can be made beautiful once again – if we will pull our heads out of the dirt and keep our feet on His affirmations. 

“God bless America” – and please, please, please – – – America, bless GOD for “…our home sweet home”.  We need to remember, to repent, to humble ourselves, so that Abba will hear from heaven, cover us with His wings in times such as these until He gives the signal for the archangel to shout, the trumpet to sound, and the Bridegroom to collect His bride.

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord.  Therefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

#latterdays #Rapture

1978 teaching


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”

G.K. Chesterton

Saw this quote earlier today.  It is a thought that has stuck in the corners of my daily busyness.  Devotions.  PT stretches. Moving mulch. Finishing decorations – or at least – trying to finish them (still have a few ornaments to hang).  Make my choc lab girl rest a little since she is still limping from her long Thanksgiving walk and romp in a woodsy creek at the daughter’s new house. 

Yesterday – part of the Family gathered.  Fantastic food overflowing (that I didn’t have to cook).  Hugs shared. Split ends trimmed. Sunny weather. Long talks that are never long enough. Football. Good health. Much to be thankful for as the world slowed for a short time of gratitude – shared together – a prayer whispered and answered in the wonder of the heart.

Today is still thanks-giving day, and my gratitude happiness has been doubled by wonder once again.

“Light Be.”

Genesis 1:3

In the darkest part of our year, a season of light begins. So it was when YAH spoke these words in darkness long ago. It is that season of time when lights appear everywhere.  Store fronts. Yards. Windows. Greenery brought inside. More lights in every room. And one can almost feel the breath of God echoing those words forward to touch the deepest, coldest part of the soul and our world’s rebellious self.

 Shadow-Sparkle-Spooky cat is playing tonight. It is unusual to see her play like a kitten.  Though she is fairly young, she has always been an “old” soul of a cat.  She sleeps more than she plays and chooses her laps for cuddles wisely. Tonight, she will curl up so close to me that I will “spook” her when I toss and turn. So, as she makes me smile. I am thankful once again as I wonder at such mixed blessings tonight because – there has also been sadness and turmoil swirled into my gratitude.

There have been deaths of people I know.  Another few friends are in the hospital – some with COVID and some with other insidious diseases.  My prayer list for November continues to grow longer than I like, and I stand on His promises as I breathe in YAH and breathe out WEH. Thankful for his never-failing covenants that hold my feet steady during the storms of this world because I know this is the season of His Light.


“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

John 8:12

Best yet – while Believers are beginning to celebrate the first night He made his appearance on Terra, the WORD also promised He would return.  He told us to keep plenty of oil on hand.  Fill our lamps and fill them again.  He is coming and coming soon. Every generation of Believers has held that promise of Light in their hearts and looked up towards the East. 

Waiting – in gratitude wonder.

Hanukkah and the first Sunday of Lent both begin on the same day this year, the 28th of November.  The Festival of Light and Light incarnate together. So, as I sang along with my “oldies” Christmas hymns/tunes today, hauled another load of mulch, my heart sang my prayers of gratitude wonder back to Him, for He is always listening to my petitions and answering in many ways I often know not.

When my back began to ache as I hauled that last load of the day, I turned and looked up towards the East. As I threw the ball on the last walk with chocolate lab girl before dark, I looked up towards the East. My small Christmas tree lights my East window, and before bed, I will go outside and once again, look up towards the East. Then I will curl under the cover of His wings and rest in peace. 

My lamp is filled.  I have extra oil stored and ready. He is coming, and I can hardly bare to wait. (He is still working on me and trying so hard to teach me patience…I am a work in progress.)

#Rapture  #Hedrawethnigh #Keeplookingup

“True Light” by Yongsung Kim

TABERNACLING 2021: 40 Days TheChosen #29

So shall it ever be.

‘Tis planned by one

Whose thought is all for thee,

That in accord with life’s great need

A strength divine shall come,

Supplanting weakness, changing greed,

And making plain the pathway home.

In Holy Writ this truth we see,

That is Thy days – – so strength shall be.     

“As Thy Days”

Out of the sauna – into a thunderous storm – until calm finally appeared ….. tis’ a windows open kind of beautiful day in NC.

While I spent most of the day outside, I think choc lab girl felt a little slighted because I didn’t take her on her usual 3-4 walks.  Instead, finished the mowing, cleaned a garden, did devotions outside,  picked tomatoes, pulled weeds out of the wet earth, toddled up to the gym to meet friends to play in the pool, and came home feeling totally devoid of any strength. 

One nap, and Greek salad later – I could still go back to sleep again.  That is the life of this ol’ gal (And if you are worried about choc lab girl not getting enough exercise – she was outside most of the day, rolling on her back or wandering in the woods or lying in the sun after she made me throw the ball way too many times).

All-in-all, it was a day filled with YAH’s presence.

“Faith brings a man empty to GOD, that he may be filled with the blessings of GOD.”

John Calvin

In Genesis 12, GOD made His presence known to Abraham…well…he was actually still Abram at that point.  God told him to get out of His own country.  Not only that – leave his natal family.  So at 75 (and here I am, working on my 71st year, complaining about all I did over the past few days), Abram and Sarai followed that holy presence into an unknown land.

GOD kept His promise to Abram and Sarai; He blessed them.  What He didn’t mention to Abram but which seems to always be true in Bible stories, when one puts their faith in GOD, the blessings that follow seem to always spill out of that person and fill the world as well. Perhaps a better way of saying it – love one another as I have loved you’. Abram threw open his tent flaps to new ideas, new lands, new people to share the presence of the One who created all of them and to share all of His holy blessings.

In our common slang of today: Abram was paying His presence forward.

“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.” 

1 Peter 3:8-9

Peter described it a little differently, but basically saying the same thing.  Don’t repay evil with evil; instead – bless them that showed you evil (They obviously need it – a lot!! ). Then He digs in a little deeper by reminding the reader/listener, that you were called out of your country – out of your natal family – to walk in faith – during times such as these – that you might throw open your tent flaps and bless those in your path just as Our Father presence in your journey has filled you with blessings.

Tonight, I’m still tired.  My eyes keep drifting to the darkness outside and thinking about my comfy bed. Yet, I know He has called me out of my comfortable family – asked me to trust Him and follow Him wherever this journey that He has designed just for me may take me – for He has created me for such a time as this, that I might remember to throw open my tent flaps and share all the wonderful blessings of His presence that He has covered and filled me with – every minute of every day – – – especially in times such as these.

He is coming. The seasons are showing their colors and changing rapidly; you only have to pull the scales from your eyes and gaze through the lens that He will give you when you let His presence fill your tent. We can’t know what real persecution is in our country. Tonight, I read a letter from an Afghani Christian who stated that many of them have accepted that they are where they are supposed to be, so they are going door-to-door just like the Taliban are. However, they are not spreading death. They are spreading the blessings of His gospel that all might be saved.

I am humbled by their courage. I am in prayer for them and our world. I feel His presence everywhere as I wait and listen.

The glory, then, be Thine,

O Master, Lord,

For meeting need of mine.

I would not anxious be, nor fret

When burdens press me sore,

But trudge along contented yet

To trust Thee, Lord, and love Thee more

With stronger faith that ‘tis for me – –

For as Thy days, Thy strength shall be.  

by Grant Colfx Tullar p.177 in Best-Loved Religious Poems
ed. by Jm. Lawson

#Hedrawethnigh #keeplookingup  #rapture

2020 VISION: Reaching Fingers

The Jewish High Holy Days have ended for 2020. But as always, with the Father’s little winks buried within sight of eyes wide open.

Repent -Sealed -Humbled -Gifted.

The last day – a special day – a gift given by the Father to celebrate – to remember – and then – to begin again.

Seeking within His given WORD the wisdom buried within sight of eyes wide open. The end is never the end with Him.

Forgiveness. Grace. Reaching out. Again…Again…Again…

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Gen 1:1

Even in this 70th journey around the sun, I cannot just read these words. Instead, my spirit sings them – especially when I need a special prayer. Aaron Copland’s 1947 choral work called In the Beginning has never evaporated from my mind even – almost – 50 years later. It sings me to sleep in the depths of darkness. It wraps around me when I have no words to pray. It often just erupts when I am blessed beyond measure sitting on my patio swing. It echoes what I know that I know that I know.

Davening. Reciting. Praying. Singing. Listening. Loving.

All are tied together in this first verse of His WORD to us.

I AM. Always the same. Always creating. Always loving. Always listening. Always forgiving. Always praying for us. I AM.

He stretches His fingers as far as they can reach to touch us – every day – in our darkest sins – in our joyous celebrations. Is our love so weak that we can we NOT stretch our fingers just as much to the Father who created us.

When God winks at me – when I actually caught on to seeing them – I finally gained a little wisdom…and am still gaining wisdom. It is time to write a love letter back to Him.

Time to pray. Time to recite His words back to Him. Time to pray for our country. Time to pray for our leaders. Time to pray for each other. Time to love each other. Time to listen for His prayers for us. Time to love Him. Time to reach out to Him. Again…Again…Again…

Sistine Chapel – Michelangelo

2020 VISION: Short, Sweet #9

Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound!
They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance.

In Your name they rejoice all day long,
And in Your righteousness they are exalted.
For You are the glory of their strength,
And in Your favor our horn is exalted.

For our shield belongs to the Lord,
And our king to the Holy One of Israel” (Ps. 89:15-18).

The sun has set in NC, so the Feast of Trumpets and High Holy Days have begun. When Jesus was a boy, He would walk for 6 days to get to Jerusalem – that is how important it was for family and friends to make the journey.  10 days of worshiping the Father and listening for His voice. 

“But the LORD God called out to the man,“Where are you?” Gen 3:9

Jewish sages say that in the days leading up to the High Holy Days, Abba comes down to earth and wanders among His people as He did during the days of the Garden for this is the day of Creation.  5781 years ago – the Day He drew a deep breath and spoke, “Light Be!”  So He comes.  Calling to His children to return to Him.  Wanting them to seek His face.  Missing His friends and wishing they could walk together as they once did long ago.

“Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the Law.” Prov 29:18

Yeshua Ha-Mashiach brought us a vision 2000 years ago. He walked among us with power, signs and wonders or we would call them – miracles. A reminder that Abba’s desire is always to walk with us.  A reminder that as we look within, seek deep introspection, and find our knees in repentance that Jesus stands beside us, His hand resting on our head, and the Father doesn’t have to ask any longer, “Where are you?”

Blow the shofar. 

Light the candles. 

Eat the Bread. 

Drink the wine. 

Sing praises of Awe to Him who continues to seek us even in the dark of the night because He misses us and loves us beyond comprehension. 


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