Tag Archives: Lord

RECEIVE 1.6:  The 12th Day of Christmas

There comes a time when memories fade, but a song, a smell, a picture, a word, a bird at a bird feeder, or an emotion that finds a brush to brighten the colors and outline those blurry edge until the memory is as sharp as the day it was etched into the mind for the very the first time. Years may have passed, but once that file drawer in the brain and heart are opened, it is so easy to want to close it. So easy to want to shove that file all the way to the back of the drawer. Easier still to lock the drawer and throw away the key until its distinctiveness fades once again.


Perhaps – maybe – those file drawers should remain open. Open wider to access those files we need to remember clearly. Memory files that need to be colored with more brilliant hues of wisdom. Open files that need those details – details of those tiny pieces that have fallen into the dusty corners of the bigger drawer.  Placing each file tenderly into the forefront of the file drawer where it can easily, and purposely, pulled out into the Light of Him who designed it.  Pulling it out where it can be colored once again with the prayer, grace, gratitude and love that created it in covenant with YAH.

“The call of memory, the call to memory, reaches us from the very dawn of history. No commandment figures so frequently, so insistently, in the Bible.”

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor

It has been a raining yukky day in NC – BUT – no ice storm for which I am full of gratitude on this 12th day of Christmas.  I still wonder at how that is even possible. It seems as if I was just moving into this new home, and suddenly, it is 3 months later, and a new year is beginning. Eldest daughter has had another birthday and knee surgery.  Youngest grandson has also had another birthday and caught a frisbee or two. No wonder I have been yawning all day; time is traveling so fast that I am feeling completely worn out. 

That being said – still have one box of pictures to find wall space for hanging…or put in a photo album…or give away.  The new shed (thanks to a wonderful landlord) is almost organized with shelves in their place, tools ready to be hung (hopefully tomorrow), a couple of wheelbarrows parked, and the rest of Christmas to be packed away for another year.

“Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me.”

Isaiah 46:9

As Christmas pulls to a close, the next week is also full of memories.  The day my earthly father opened the veil between this world and Our Father’s world is just a few days away. It is also the day of my covenant before the LORD with the man He brought back into my life for a second space of time to bless me with four wonderful children, and a life full of new things to experience. A couple weeks later is my mom’s earthly birthday and all the songs she and dad gave to my heart with their voices and love. 

What can I say? 

January is a quieter month.  A month where the nights are a little longer and cold a little deeper. A sedentary month of books, crocheting, playing music, writing letters.  A month of getting to know new neighbors over a cup of tea or putting shelves together in a new shed. A quiet month when memories seem to take on more depth as wisdom becomes a little clearer. A month to pull out each memory file and dust it off.  It is good to remember – even the pain filled files – even the ones I don’t want to pull out – and remember GOD’s lessons and goodness with gratitude.

“The wound you were given is part of your story, and healing comes from accepting God’s love for you — and understanding how the Lord goes through the wound with you and for you…”

John Parsons, Hebrews for Christians

“He heals the broken of heart
and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3

#Advent #latterdays #Hedrawethnigh #rapture

Nativity by Greg Olsen

Be Still 9.22: Up Ended Apple Cart

The walls in my house are almost bare.  It is the part I hate the most about moving.

Two weeks ago, I had my plans set to enter a typical week. Gym, meet up with friends, a book to finish, a chapter to write. And then, the apple cart tilted and rolled to its side, as I saw all those ripe apples escaping down the road. It is exactly what happens when YAH shakes me awake with two thoughts in my head on a September Monday morning. Two of the apple cart’s wheels are spinning in the air, as I wonder if my apron would be able to carry all those apples back to the cart – that is – if I could get the cart right side up again. 

The first vestige of His whisper tilted the apple cart onto one wheel: “Pack boxes”

If you are me, you know exactly what ABBA is implying with those two words. I’ve had a few boxes in my garage for close to a month – boxes that He supplied via a virtual stranger. But me being me, I have ignored them all to the point of not even packing one box. (Can we all intone, ‘rebellious child’?)  The truth of it is – I love my home.  I love my gardens.  I love my neighbors.  I love all the critters (except for the occasional passing of a spring or fall skunk) that rustle the bushes and or even the stray branch falling to the ground. I even love the owl that occasionally awakens me from my slumber. (Yes, know I have written parts of this before.) 

I am my mother’s daughter in soooo many ways.  When I don’t want to do something, I drag my feet with the best of teenagers.

The second whisper finished the job and totally up-ended the apple cart: “Call the Realtor”.

This was more of the reality that I didn’t want to face.  Calling in the realtor would make it real.  Would open a door that I didn’t really want to open.  Would begin a journey that I was dreading in so many ways.  Leaving the last home I bought with my husband before the broken covenant.  Leaving, probably, the last independent housing I would own in this lifetime.  Leaving many things, people, and memories built together over the years but now torn asunder is a much harder job than I want to tackle or add to my journey right now. It was then the Rauch Ha’Kodesh brought a picture to the forefront of my mind of my mother’s move out of my childhood home, and the many times I caught her crying as she picked out the things she wanted carry into the apartment she had picked out as her eyes deteriorated with macular degeneration.

How little I understood then.

Obedience doesn’t come easy for me when I can’t see the plan written in my book, but I kept packing boxes throughout the week, and before I knew it, Monday arrived again. My agenda for the week was set and started out in a typical fashion – except – for this unending nudge that bothered me all through my gym workout and social laughter/discussion with the gym buddies. So instead of heading home to walk the choc lab girl, I drove around the small city that I have been considering to be a good place to land. Close to friends.  Close to gym.  Close to schools or churches where I might be able to teach an hour or two.

Circled in prayer several of the places I have looked at – saw several signs of places for sale but very few for rent in neighborhoods I felt drawn to call home. It was then a small sign caught my eye.  I drove past it, but some time later, found myself making a U-turn to copy down the small handwritten number on the sign (call it another nudge)

A nudge leads to a sign; a sign leads to a new prayer; a new prayer leads to building more trust – more patience – more obedience as I continue to pack and wonder at the Rock of Promise buried in the WORD Our Father gave me 11 years ago when I began this retirement journey. 

And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Romans 5:3-5

I am now of a similar age of my mother when she began her last journey in this life, and I only am beginning to understand how all those apples rolling out of her control must have felt as she packed up those few things from her lifetime of love and family. Memories of her natal family. Memories of me and my brother growing up. Memories of her covenant with my father. Memories of music. My parents have always been models of Romans 5:3-5 – in affliction they boasted, endured and proved their character in His hope…His love…His grace. 

Now…if I could just learn to whistle and tell jokes like they both did. 

#latterdays #Hedrawethnigh  #rapture

Google image

Be Still 2.9: Bluebird of Happiness

There are many times when I don’t know what to write, and yet the Spirit of the LORD is up on me to pull out the pen and paper – open up the document that needs work – let my brain open up and my fingers go to work.  In these times, I find excuses are readily at my fingertips instead. So I pull out my usual escape paths. Yet, my mind wanders if I try to read.  I drop stitches if I try to crochet.  The usual games, movies or TV shows that seem somewhat entertaining at other times, just only increase my restlessness. Even snacking on chocolate doesn’t help.

Sooooo – take those excuses a step further. Spent a couple hours outside.  Walked dog.  Trimmed roses, trees, and my toe nails (well – those I trimmed inside). Raked a few more leaves into the small gully at the edge of the woods.  Picked up limbs.  Threw ball for dog.  Talked to a neighbor.  Waved to the delivery guys who seem to be in the neighborhood every day. Sat on the patio swing.

Instead of restful, I felt like I had banged my head against a wall.  Not literally, but spiritually. Here is the problem. I have been working on the final draft of a piece of writing for the last month and thought I was almost done. AND THEN – the true Author told me, “Nah, don’t like the last part. Here’s a hint. Change it.”

I hate when He does that.  I think I have it all mapped out – done – finished – kaput – and the Holy Spirit says, “No go, but here’s a hint.” Not a big hint. Not even a few pictures in my head to help get me started. Just that silence that bodes a time of waiting.


Be still.

Needless to say, when I feel that antsy “wanna get done” internal drive – doing either of those things seems like an impossible assignment – especially when one certain person has a touch of impatience when it comes to finishing an assignment. I have never been a procrastinator. Just don’t like deadlines hanging over my head. Today, was especially bad, and I was about to give up – call it done – let the piece of writing stand as it was – when the ABBA sends this affirmation in an e-mail.

“During the spiritual winters of our lives, we often find ourselves waiting for God to act. They are times of patience and perseverance.”

Pastor Jack Hibbs

I’ve always been a reluctant, wayward, backslidden, forgiven, grace-filled sheep of my Shepherd. But lately, I’ve learned to recognize a Gibbs’ slap when I feel it.  I know this is the whole reason, He pointed me towards this “BE STILL” journey for 2023.  I needed, in the ways only He knows, to learn to really trust Him.  Wait for Him.  Seek Him.  And – in these times when I least feel like doing what He wants, know that these are exactly the times when He wants me to open His WORD, lean on Him in prayer, and seek His face. 

תְּחִלַּת חָכְמָה יִרְאַת יְהוָה
וְדַעַת קְדֹשִׁים בִּינָה

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Proverbs 9:10

So tonight, I am sitting at the computer and writing something.  I still don’t have anything more than “a hint” at how I am supposed to change the other piece of writing. I am still a little impatient, but it is a different kind of impatience.  Instead of frustration and trying to impose my timeline and my pictures, I feel His peace that passeth all understanding circling, and know I will fall asleep cradled in the palm of His hand.

Tonight, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that in the Father’s perfect time, He will pull back the curtain and let the movie in my head begin again. Why there is this stillness and time of waiting, I may never know, but I do know this: it is for my good, and that this journey has been designed just for me.

Lessons come in many ways.  While I don’t love the lesson of the past few days, I stand in AWE [fear] of how YAHWEH cares deeply for every little thing we do, see, and experience in our lives. I had forgotten until just now, that this morning as my choc lab girl and I returned from our early morning walk, a bright blue caught my eye.  Sitting on the wisteria vine above the portico in the early morning sunlight, a blue bird turned to look at me and sang a little song. I laughed and rejoiced and gave thanks at the time, but promptly forgot. I need to remember that He sends affirmations every day to remind us how much He loves us – even a little “bluebird of happiness” to start the day.     

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

Pastor Jack Hibbs image

Be Still 1.17: Recover


The wonder about getting older is finding there is always something that crops up and just messes with “normal”.  About the end of 2020, I got one of my friends to make me a shirt that said on the back, “Normal ain’t comin’ back, but Jesus is.” Since it is red and has a heart with a cross in it on the front, I wear it almost every Friday in honor of those that are deployed overseas.  It reminds me to pray for our military, but it also reminds me that as an elder in these latter days – – – “normal” isn’t coming back….in so many ways.

Today was one of those medical miracle type of days.  Go to the doctor. Sit in a type of dentist chair but with no fancy TV to watch. He pulls over a fancy microscopy light thingy, digs into my ear with itsy-bitsy-teenie-weenie tweezers, and removes a long string of waxy/dry skin/hair junk that – for whatever reason – now seems to accumulate in my ear canal about once a year. As if I had just given birth, he shows it off to me, and I’m grossed out.  BUT – I can hear again – even if the ear tickles and picks up all those annoying, tiny minute sounds that I didn’t even realize I was missing.

I have recovered my hearing.

Recover is one of those words that has many meanings attached to it – both literal and metaphorically. A common word and yet – it has been rolling around in my head for a couple of days.  Like most of my ponderings, it cropped up in my devotions first, and then (as Father always does) that simple word becomes layered in different ways with colors of deeper wisdom through all those creative methods that He uses to catch my attention.

“Just remember in the winter

Far beneath the bitter snows

Lies the seed that with the sun’s love

In the spring becomes the rose.”

~The Rose, by Amanda McBroom

As I was re-filling the bird feeders this afternoon, I couldn’t help but notice the tips of daffodils poking up through the soft dirt.  The hard frozen ground of Christmas weekend had recovered enough heat that the daffodil bulbs couldn’t resist sending up those first hints of green.  Sure enough, looking around I noticed other plants that were also showing signs of recovery. Best of all, my recovered hearing allowed me to enjoy all the little sounds going on around me as the choc lab girl and I walked a little further.

Recover ground.

Recover furniture.

Recover composure.

Recover items.

Recover from addictions – illnesses – life – – –

Re – to do again.  Cover – to shelter, protect, guard.

“Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Acts 3:19

So tonight as I sit here and ponder some more, I return to the scripture that started this journey.  It is so easy to drift with the flow of the “normal” world around me.  To trust the physical things that that I deem “normal” according to my eyes and ears.  Maybe it is because I haven’t heard things clearly for the past couple of months.  Maybe it is because I haven’t seen as clearly as I used to before I had my cataract surgery.  Whatever the cause, “normal” isn’t the same and hasn’t been the same for a while now.

I need to re-cover myself daily with the presence of the LORD.

I need to remember that the Bridegroom is returning soon to re-cover his bride.

I need to re-cover that wonder I felt as I laid under a huge maple tree and basked in the cover of His wings for the first time.

I need to re-cover “eternal normal” and fill my lamp to the brim with its oil.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished in His glorious presence, with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord before all time, and now, and for all eternity.  Amen.”

Jude 1:24-25

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

“Divine Energy” by Yoram Raanan

STILLNESS 2023 on the 8th Day of Christmas

Be still, and know [discover] that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10


The first day of the new year, and already, I did not do as I was commanded to do in 2023. 

Several weeks ago, I was given this verse in a multiple of ways and the same concept through multiple verses.  Be Still. Stillness. Wait. Discover. Holy Spirit nudges are hard to ignore when He gives enough hints that even this rebellious child eventually notices and faces the obvious.  Our Father wants me to sit in STILLNESS this year.

Quit the useless frittering away of time.  Quit jumping from one thing to the next.  Quit trying to solve everything myself. 


Not an easy assignment for this old teacher – moving around – doing chores – solving problems – walking the choc lab girl – enjoying the woods seems like a much better idea. So what did I do this first day of a new year with that new command from the LORD?  I moved furniture around……..twice.  Then I moved some plants outside so that they could feel the sun on their faces in this short respite from winter.  I walked through the woods to check for down trees or limbs. I bent over to throw the ball for the lab girl like I was 20 again, and the arthritic back yelled at me – again.

Needless to say, when I finally sat down to listen to a couple of my favorite pastors, guess what verse was one of the first verses, that they spoke – and yes – two of them referred to Psalm 46:10.  Sometimes, GOD is not subtle with me at all.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait [who are still] for the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:30-31

I re-read this verse several times today.  I know it well, and have often used it as one of my Rocks of Promise from Our Father. Times when I’ve been weary, worn down, an ready to ‘utterly fall’. Today, I wrote it down again. I let the Holy Spirit open my eyes to read it again.  I read it out loud.  I read it silently, and then I centered myself in His STILLNESS

My arthritic back ached. In being my rebellious self, even my body was trying to remind me what I should have been thinking on this first day of 2023. 


If I sit in His STILLNESS as He commanded in Psalm 46, He will bring forth His promise of Isaiah 40, so that my feet will be secure and my strength will be renewed. I just need to get out of my own way and obey.

The shepherds rose up and listened to the LORD’s command to find the babe lying in a manager, thus, they were blessed to be some of the first to see the gift GOD had given by His Grace and Love. While it may have taken the wise men a little longer to arrive, they too, listened to the command in the ancient prophecies and followed the star. They were able to worship and bring their gifts to the Promise that had been made flesh.

“In the mystery of the Word made Flesh the Maker of the stars was born.”

Madeleine L’Engle

 Like usual – it has taken me a little longer than the average bear to figure out that I am far better off when I actually stand on the Rock of Promise that Abba gives me – when He gives it to me – than procrastinate by walking on the worldly sand of my own wisdom. Better for me.  Better for those given to my sphere.  Better all the way around since I am living according to His will instead of my own.

Tonight, I am thankful for Our Father’s grace in this new year of 2023.  I am thankful for all the wonders and miracles that I know He has already designed and planted on my path for this new year.  My assignment – should I choose to accept it – is just to live in His STILLNESS – to WAIT in His STILLNESS – to DISCOVER the new Rocks of Promises that He has placed for my feet.  Rocks that will make my steps secure and lead me safely forward – to the Rock Higher Than – to His Son, YESHUA HA’MASHIACH

“What God has written he has written not for our opinion but for our obedience.”

John Blanchard

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

AFFIRMATION Advent Love #6

“When the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.”

Galatians 4:4-5

How in the world can it be Christmas Eve eve? For that matter, where did those weeks of Advent go? Seriously, how can it be Christmas Eve already?

I have watched a lot of Christmas movies and still haven’t reached my group of movies labeled “Christmas week”.  I have kept up to date on my Advent devotional but have only read one of my stacks of Christmas books.  I have sent my Christmas cards and received Christmas cards.  I have chosen presents, wrapped presents, and given presents. I have prayed, wondered and pondered and yet…….

There is something in the air this year.  Something that keeps whispering to a fullness of time – – – an eve of waiting – – – an expectation drawing near.

An expectation that mimics that old childhood anticipation of Santa and those sleigh bells that always seemed to encircle our tiny home for so many years – – -sleigh bells that I have heard for 70 years as I crawl into bed on Christmas Eve – – – no matter where I live.

Surprises waiting for the first light of morning.  Surprises waiting and chosen just for me.

My parents’ Christmas rule was I had to wait until I could see the sun’s rays coming through my window.  Since my window faced east, I reasoned that meant any dim light in the eastern sky was good enough. My big brother, who was 9 years older, wasn’t always so impressed with my decision since I had to run through his room, down the creaky stairs to get to my parents’ room.

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,
Yet out of you shall come forth to Me
The One to be Ruler in Israel,
Whose goings forth are from of old,
From everlasting.” 

Micah 5:2

Tonight, it is cold over NC – – colder than a normal winter. No snow or ice or sleet, but I am able to watch snowflakes. Paper snowflakes that my sister-in-law made for my 2022 Christmas. Snowflakes that dance under my mother’s salt baked nativity from long ago. Snowflakes that I watch as I rest in warmth and comfort. It is so easy to become drowsy as I watch them bounce back and forth while I listen to all the beautiful music of the season. But as I do so, the Holy Spirit nudges.

Nudges hard enough that I being to wonder and ponder and pray. 

Wonder at that Christmas long ago.  Wonder at the disappointment and fear that filled those weary travelers when they were told by their relative that the guestroom in Bethlehem Ephrathah was already filled, but they could use the small stable. Winter is cold everywhere even in Israel. Wonder what Mary…and Joseph, who had already been through too many miraculous, fearful experiences in the past 9 months, were thinking as they looked in that stable for the first time.

Ponder the prophets and all the prophecies that were fulfilled on this eve that changed the world. Ponder the doubts that must have rolled through their minds. Ponder over that couple who accepted – with no logical explanation – all the things they had experienced the last 9 months. Ponder what they must have felt at that moment?  A baby born in a stable? Had the LORD‘s hand truly been in it at all? His gift born in a stable?

I found myself praying for them. Praying for their faith. Praying for the faith of all of us in 2022. Praying for all travelers that are trying to reach their destinations this stormy weekend. Praying for those snowed in and cold.  Praying for those that have no relative with guestrooms where they might find warmth and rest. Praying for those who might be lonely, cold, sick, weary, or worn-out by what the last 9 months has brought forth in their own lives.

Praying and so very thankful for Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, the faith of his parents, the faith of long ago prophets – today’s prophets, the faith of my parents who brought sleigh bells and faith into the fullness of time on this Christmas Eve of 2022.

Praying that Advent Love wraps its warmth around all of us throughout time as we look up to find the stillness and the expectation of that bright light in the eastern sky of a new morning. Pray as I wait for that morning light and the fullness of time.

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

2 Cor. 9:15a

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh


When it is 4:58 A.M. on a Monday morning and the words of a psalm that you don’t recognize are whispering through your mind, you don’t argue or whine or cover your head with your deep winter comforter…you just get up. (You might however, revert to those teenage years of old when your parents were trying to pull you out of bed.) You might roll your sleepy eyes, might yawn a rather loud protest, sigh deeply in petulance, pet the choc lab girl who is already sitting at the side of the bed (as if she heard the same summons), and reluctantly stick the feet into the cold to start devotions and turn on the heat and some lights.  Did you know that it is still rather dark at that time of the morning? 


“Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

Psalm 131:2

And there they were.  The words I didn’t recognize in sleep mode – re-shaping themselves into words on a page. Words of David written long ago as a song of ascent to sing on the way to Jerusalem. Words that were just waiting for me to notice today in the reading of the Psalms as I began my devotions.

That is one Affirmation of Advent Hope. A dark morning illuminated by the His Light radiating deep into my soul.

Of course, the deeper, harder lessons followed. The ancient watchmen who stood on the wall and listen in the quietness of their souls to the WORD of the LORD that came to them.  Those people who observed from high towers, the darkness of the world in their times and – at the same time – saw the Light of the One who spoke to them overpowering it.  Those people who, amid the noisiness and violence of the spiritual battle raging around them, found strength and their armor in the rocks under their feet to stand in the gap between Heaven and Hell.  Those people who, when buffeted by the storms of the world or fiendish storms of demons, courageously held to the convictions of the One who created them for such a time as this.

Watchmen calling out the warnings of judgement, reminding the people that a righteous GOD loves them beyond their back-trodden ways, pointing out the path of repentance that could lead them home, foretelling the future – a future full of blessings that come to those whose eyes and ears are open to listen to the sound of the shofar and the cries of the watchmen.

Affirmations of Advent Hope that are there for all to know the are loved.

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and fails to blow the horn to warn the people, and the sword comes and takes away a life, then that one will be taken away in his iniquity, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.’

Ezekiel 33:6

The watchmen took their assignments seriously.  The warnings come for them as well as the worldly storms of these latter days continue to increase. The watchmen YAH has placed on the walls today, know these warnings as well. Birth pangs of old and birth pangs of today grow intensely as the time draws nearer for the advent of the birth of the prophecy. Volcanoes erupting. Earthquakes. Famines. Droughts. Infestations. Plagues. Collapsing economies. Inconceivable violence. Revolts and rioting in many countries – on almost every continent. Wars and rumors of wars.

The world speaks against Advent Hope and yet – while the watchmen continue to call loudly from the walls even in our present hour, the WORD speaks softly of the Blessed Advent Hope within our quieted minds as well. When we allow ourselves to become calm – when we quiet the voice of the world in our mind – when we become like the weaned child – the child who no longer needs the simplistic substance of milk – but the child who is ready for the more complex manna – willing to observe and listen to the One they trust  – leaning into the security of the One who loves them most – that is the Affirmation of Advent Hope.

Affirmation of Advent Hope designed for the child that the Holy Father has designed them to be.

Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.”

Matthew 18:3-5

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

“Consider the Lilies” by Greg Olsen


Right now, on this first Sunday of Advent 2022, there are at least 12 places in the world threatening war against 12 other places…and that is only a list of the ones that are in the media spotlight for the moment. 

Christmas is here and this first sentence is not exactly what I had in mind when I sat down to write this article. It definitely seems like a funny thing to lead with – and yet – that is what Our Father kept having my fingers type – – – even through I erased it several times. I tried for over an hour to start this new piece of writing in different ways.  I got up and walked outside with choc lab girl.  I sat on the deck and watched the sun sink lower into the west.  I looked at the clock.  I had hopes that when I sat down to the computer, a new lead would emerge from my stumbling fingers. After all, HOPE is what the first week of Advent is supposed to be all about, right?


Hope in a world of mass killings. Hope in a world where people are looking for ways to survive a winter of below zero temperatures with no access to the electric and gas they’ve grown used to – not to mention – homes that no longer exist in the undeclared war they are living through. Hope that rain would come and heal the cracks in the ground with new growth so others in another country might feed their family and animals in the barns. Hope in a world where republics have become a democratic – socialistic have become communistic – communistic have become tyrannical – tyrants and companies that have signed onto a global forum that promises a perfect world under their guidance.  Hope in a world to right all the wrongs and grow towers to rival all those that have come before until finally – – – reaching the highest part of Heaven itself.

“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

1Peter 1:13

Yet that is just it – – – “Hope in a world………” is the deceiving phrase of our times…..of our minds.  The phrase that whispers over and over in the silence when the noisy world is shut out. Those silent times when the only noise is a familiar voice in the head.

  • “Surely in this 21st century, we are wiser than all others in the history of this world.”
  • “Surely, we are kinder, more thoughtful and giving.”
  • “Surely, don’t have to depend on old ways or beliefs.”
  • “Surely….”

Our hope was never meant to be “…in the world” – neither in the church – nor in its leaders – nor in any entity of this world.  As far back as Adam and Eve, YHWH told them not to put their trust in the world – not in the trees or plants – not in the critters of the land or fish of the sea – not the stars or angels of the Heavens – and certainly not some strange entity that claimed to know more than the LORD who had made them.

Did they listen?  Have we listened?

He wrote His-story through Moses and yet – “Hope in the world” continues to be the familiar refrain – instead of the theme He has consistently written in the WORD:

“Hope in the LORD.”

As I sit in my chair with the choc lab girl stretched out on her back – feet in the air and head stretched just enough to touch my toes – I lean my head back and find the Advent Hope bubbling over.  I love the Christmas lights that surround me and remind me that Advent Hope has been here even before Eve listened to the deceiver that whispered in her mind, “Hope in the world…” for the very first time.

  • Advent Hope is in David’s Psalms. 
  • Advent Hope is in 27 chapters of Isaiah.
  • Advent Hope is there for Anna and Simeon as they beheld a newborn in the tabernacle. 
  • Advent Hope is there in the eyes of wise men reading their prophecies and following a new star.
  • Advent Hope is in the heart of a child who touches a nativity for the first time in wonder and AWE of this gift.
  • Advent Hope is – – – – He is returning for His Bride. 

“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,  looking for the blessed HOPE and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”

Titus 2:11-13

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

“Light to the Gentiles” Artwork by Greg Olsen


As I begin wrapping up this season of expressed public Gratitude-Attitude, I am humbled once again at the wonder of which our Father almost imperceptivity moves in our lives. I say “almost imperceptivity” because I think – like the good Father he is – He does want our eyes and ears open enough to feel – see – hear – Him even when we don’t know that we needed Him to show Himself.

Especially then – in those thankful awe moments when we have no clue what we need to make us smile and draw closer to Him through His grace and love.

Yesterday I woke up to a phone that was cracked from the charging port to the top of the phone.  Not sure what happened, but it still works, so I am very thankful (just not charging it while I sleep anymore).  Also, thanking the Holy Spirit for nudging me to buy that expensive screen protector for the once new phone that I bought 3 years ago. Had I not listened, who knows what multitude of cuts would be on my fingers?

I am thankful that Choc lab girl’s dew claw seems to be healing well. She is walking better and is not so shy when I reach for it. It is good to see her almost run, even though the belly tumor continues to look like it weighs a ton.  There, too, I am thankful as I see Abba’s smile in Koay’s smile, and in her hurt paw as she reaches out for just one more belly rub before I return to my own chair.

I am thankful for neighbors who care for one another.  It is a rare thing these days to be in a neighborhood where – pretty much like walking into the Cheers TV show – ‘everybody knows your name’….and your car… and dog. If we find a wandering dog, we can usually figure out where it belongs. It is a small version of the neighborhood of my childhood, and I can see my Father’s hand in every small move that was made to get my butt here during these retirement days. 

So as I look forward to a “friends” Thanksgiving tomorrow, I am beyond thankful and more into that “THANKFUL AWE” state of wonder – where I am pondering how I can’t even imagine how great is the YAHWEH, the LORD, that holds the whole wide world in His hands and yet – – sees me in it. 

I shared this scriptural montage earlier this week on social media accounts. It was put together by Pastor Jack Hibbs’ sermon of Calvary Chapel Chino Hill, California.  It is a good reminder that in this day of giving thanks, we remember to “Watch and Heed” what this latter day Thanksgiving Day should all be about.  The Son of the Father is also reaching out and coming soon.  We need to watch for Him and heed the scriptures to be wise.  He is – indeed – drawing nigh.

Watch and Take Heed (look for those words) by Pastor Jack Hibbs.
1: Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 2 Therefore watch and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears - blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. 3 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Therefore, let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. 4. Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 5 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming - in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. 6 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work. 7 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. 8 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep. 9 For now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.10 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.... 11 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man. 12 Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore, if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. 13 Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. 15 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 16 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 17 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
18 What I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” 

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

“Faithfulness” by Akiane Kramarik


Annnnnnddddddddd….what color was the wooly bear caterpillar this year????

It is officially cold in NC.  Maybe it is me.  Maybe it is being an elder.  Maybe it is because we had such a beautiful, warm fall…………..right up till this week.

I suppose that it could be just a winter like every other a winter.  Yet, this year’s cold seems to have more of a bite when that wind blows. And I am sooooo thankful that I got most of the fall chores done, so I don’t have to deal with being out in the cold more than I like.  However, as I type this, I am laughing since back in my OH days, the high 40’s registered as “a bit nippy” instead of hitting my “ugh – that’s cold” designation.   

“You have forsaken the fountain of wisdom! Had you walked in the way of GOD, You would have dwelt in enduring peace.”

Baruch 3:12-13

For those of you not familiar with Baruch, it is a book of the Catholic and Orthodox canons.  Protestants denominations do recognize it as part of the Biblical Apocrypha. It is thought to be written by Baruch ben Neriah, scribe to Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, and written during the time of the Babylonian exile. If you look in the Catholic Bible, Baruch is the book right after Lamentations.  It makes a lot of sense to me since both books bear witness to what happens to a nation that doesn’t listen to the watchman on the walls and walks away from the covenant of the One who brought them out of slavery.

The cool thing about GOD, who made a covenant with the Jewish people and got angry with them when they broke the covenant, is that even in the midst of the horror of them turning their backs on Him, His laws, and His love – of them losing their country to their enemy – of them being forced to walk the path of servitude (again) – of them enduring atrocities that they never considered being possible – this same GOD sent His watchmen/prophets/Angel of the LORD to comfort them – to encourage and comfort them even in the depth of His wrath with them.

A reminder – an affirmation – that if they humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from Heaven and honor His covenant with them again. Baruch writes of this in his closing chapters.   

Which brings back to the original covenant.  Those 10 laws that were carved on a tablet in the very beginning of this journey between GOD and His chosen people.  Each day, I keep coming back to these laws.  As always, I remember the laws somewhere in one of those file drawers that has been relegated to the bottom drawers of my mind.  I don’t always remember them in order and certainly not in their entirety.  Today as I read the 4th law that was carved – first by the finger of GOD and then rewritten by Moses – the familiarity of it came back. As I re-read it for a time out of time, the solemnity hit me in a different way. 

GOD created everything for us. He asks so little, and yet – from that beginning – He planned a “rest” at the end of the work.  The whole Bible points to this plan being fulfilled even amid all our failings to acknowledge that “rest” in even the littlest way.  Whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual work, He promises a rest – a restoration – a repristination – a time when we will humble ourselves and sit in His AWE.

The affirmation in the midst of lamentations for a country falling apart.

He sent His Son to point out how it is done. Jesus came and after His work, He humbled himself beyond anything we can conceive so that He could lead us through the narrow gate and take us back to His Father. The work days – the days of waiting – are coming to a close.  The Bridegroom has prepared a house for His remnant – His Bride. The wedding feast is not far off. A day of rest, feasting and joy. A day when we can once again rejoice in AWE of the Father.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.  For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”

Exodus 20:8-11

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh