Tag Archives: Psalm

HOLY WEEK ALIYAH 3.25: Holy Monday’s Roar

Last night was a freeze warning night, so I shifted all the house plants back onto the solar porch.  In the scheme of all the many things that we have to deal with on a daily basis in these latter days – not a hard decision. They were just sitting on the deck outside the porch door. Far enough out that I knew to put on shoes to avoid cold feet and shut the inner door to keep kitty securely inside. 

Poor plants. One week out of the house – a night in the house – maybe – another week out???  I have no clue, but Abba GOD knows. In actuality, I shouldn’t even be in a hurry at this point in the year, after all, it’s still early spring whether in OH or NC – just a little sunnier in NC than OH.

“Prince of Peace, control my will; Bid my struggling heart be still; Bid my fears and doubts to cease, Hush my spirit into peace. May Thy will, not mine, be done; May Thy will and mine be one; Chase these doubtings from my heart, Now Thy perfect peace impart.”

A Psalm Prayer printed in Church of England Magazine on March 3, 1858. Author unknown. 

Like so many quotes and poems that I have collected over the years, I have no idea where I originally ran across this one.  I tend to think it was a children’s magazine or book of poetry because I remember saying it with all my other bedtime prayers as my mom braided my hair before she and dad would tuck me for the night.  My big brother said no one needed to say that many prayers at night, so I added more to irritate him. If I was lucky, they would all – including the ugly brother – start singing as they went back down the steps to the living room.

Control my will.
Still my struggling heart.
Erase my fears and doubts
Bring your peace to my spirit.

I wonder today, if Rabbi Yeshua had a similar prayer/poem in His heart as He waited for His friends to wake and walk with Him to temple on that first day after He claimed the title that was rightfully His from the start – Messiah, “Son of David, King of Israel”. He knew beyond all doubt His Father’s perfect will. He knew exactly what was to come.  He had known since His genesis.  And yet – the WORD became flesh of His own free will.

He kneeled that He might give His greatest blessing to His children: salvation – a path that would allow them to walk together once again.

As the disciples emerged to gather around their Teacher, He smiled and taught them by example.  He purposely walked forward to His Father’s temple. A fruit tree that bore no fruit would die.  A temple that had made idols out of money and rituals would be shaken, leaving no table left standing as animals and humans scattered before His cleansing, righteous wrath.

The lion made a short appearance to utter a small roar on this Holy Monday.

Did the prince of this world think he had won as he whispered in any of the human ears that would listen? Did he think he had broken the will of the Father and Son as he rejoiced over the chaotic response of those Rabbi Yeshua accused?  Did he feel the ground shaking under his feet as Yeshua’s spiritual eyes found his own through the torn opening He had made with this small roar in the veil between them?

Chase these doubtings – these temptings – from the heart.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done.
Thy peace be given…
On Terra as it is in Heaven.

Ponderous thoughts and reflections of this latter days’ Holy Monday that started long ago with a psalm – a poem – a prayer whispered on a canopied bed with parents praying with me over my head; as brother tickled and jiggled my foot and my dog slept beside me like a crotchety, old coot.

Holy Monday in these latter days: Signs and prophecies were given to the Jewish people for 2000+ years before Jesus rode into town.  Like most humans they had their own will of what the Messiah, King of David would look like – act like – and be like when He arrived.  One day shouting, praising, and dancing in the street; the next day whispering, gossiping and spreading conspiracies over the One who just completely up-ended their Passover joy.

Holy Monday in these latter days: the world has been given signs and prophecies for 2000+ years….will our eyes be open to recognize the time of our visitation, or will we be blinded by our own will and doubts as many were those 2000+ years ago?

“For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you”

Isaiah 60:2.

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

AI creation by Neal Fant

RECEIVE 1.6:  The 12th Day of Christmas

There comes a time when memories fade, but a song, a smell, a picture, a word, a bird at a bird feeder, or an emotion that finds a brush to brighten the colors and outline those blurry edge until the memory is as sharp as the day it was etched into the mind for the very the first time. Years may have passed, but once that file drawer in the brain and heart are opened, it is so easy to want to close it. So easy to want to shove that file all the way to the back of the drawer. Easier still to lock the drawer and throw away the key until its distinctiveness fades once again.


Perhaps – maybe – those file drawers should remain open. Open wider to access those files we need to remember clearly. Memory files that need to be colored with more brilliant hues of wisdom. Open files that need those details – details of those tiny pieces that have fallen into the dusty corners of the bigger drawer.  Placing each file tenderly into the forefront of the file drawer where it can easily, and purposely, pulled out into the Light of Him who designed it.  Pulling it out where it can be colored once again with the prayer, grace, gratitude and love that created it in covenant with YAH.

“The call of memory, the call to memory, reaches us from the very dawn of history. No commandment figures so frequently, so insistently, in the Bible.”

Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor

It has been a raining yukky day in NC – BUT – no ice storm for which I am full of gratitude on this 12th day of Christmas.  I still wonder at how that is even possible. It seems as if I was just moving into this new home, and suddenly, it is 3 months later, and a new year is beginning. Eldest daughter has had another birthday and knee surgery.  Youngest grandson has also had another birthday and caught a frisbee or two. No wonder I have been yawning all day; time is traveling so fast that I am feeling completely worn out. 

That being said – still have one box of pictures to find wall space for hanging…or put in a photo album…or give away.  The new shed (thanks to a wonderful landlord) is almost organized with shelves in their place, tools ready to be hung (hopefully tomorrow), a couple of wheelbarrows parked, and the rest of Christmas to be packed away for another year.

“Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me.”

Isaiah 46:9

As Christmas pulls to a close, the next week is also full of memories.  The day my earthly father opened the veil between this world and Our Father’s world is just a few days away. It is also the day of my covenant before the LORD with the man He brought back into my life for a second space of time to bless me with four wonderful children, and a life full of new things to experience. A couple weeks later is my mom’s earthly birthday and all the songs she and dad gave to my heart with their voices and love. 

What can I say? 

January is a quieter month.  A month where the nights are a little longer and cold a little deeper. A sedentary month of books, crocheting, playing music, writing letters.  A month of getting to know new neighbors over a cup of tea or putting shelves together in a new shed. A quiet month when memories seem to take on more depth as wisdom becomes a little clearer. A month to pull out each memory file and dust it off.  It is good to remember – even the pain filled files – even the ones I don’t want to pull out – and remember GOD’s lessons and goodness with gratitude.

“The wound you were given is part of your story, and healing comes from accepting God’s love for you — and understanding how the Lord goes through the wound with you and for you…”

John Parsons, Hebrews for Christians

“He heals the broken of heart
and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3

#Advent #latterdays #Hedrawethnigh #rapture

Nativity by Greg Olsen

Be Still Advent 12.10: Anticipation in GOD’s Moving Journey

“Drive the stake of your faith deep down into GOD’s promises.  Don’t quit.  Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Don’t collapse. Don’t settle for less than prayer that moves Heaven and changes nations.” 

Anne Graham Lotz, Study of Daniel’s prayer, chap 9

Over this year of learning to ‘Be Still’ (which believe me – is one of the hardest things I have every done, and I will never do as well as my Shadow-Spooky-Sparkle kitty), I have attempted to learn to BE STILL.  Turn off the computer.  Pick up the WORD.  Put down the phone and whatever book I am craving to finish. Read those rocks of promises copied on note cards or scraps of paper – stuck/taped/glued in my Bible over the years.  

Anticipation of time with YHWH, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, Ruach Ha’Kodesh.  Time to ponder the depths of wisdom in Their words.  Time to ponder all the words written on scraps of paper and cards when I have no clue of remembrance of writing or reading many of them. Namely, the Anne Lotz quote above.  I’ve read/watched/listened to many Daniel studies over the past few years, but this one simply doesn’t seem to have a file in the brain cabinet.

Be Still and know that I AM GOD.

Psalm 46:10

GOD often surprises me, and I end up laughing, crying or may be – a combination of every emotion in between.  This weekend has been one of those weekends.  If the dates on all those note cards and scraps of paper are right, this moving journey started more than a few years back.  Perhaps – more than a decade back.

Before I retired, my home in OH caught fire.  My mom’s Bible and the Bible that I was using daily were destroyed in the bedroom where most of the fire raged.  The Ferris Family Masonic Bible survived only because once I figured out the house really was on fire, I snuck in to grab it and a few precious collages of the kidlets’ faces out of that smoky house (firemen were not happy). Needless to say – had to get a new Bible in 2009 – in fact – I got two.

Between the two volumes, there are not many notes between 2009-2013, but then notes abundantly multiplied in the margins with Hebrew language…Hebrew days and months…Hebrew traditions…Hebrew wisdom…notes from studies that I was reading, watching, listening to on line. The WORD that I had read all my life began to vibrate with layers of wisdom and depths that I had never seen or understood before.    

“But you, Daniel, seal these words and be silent and seal this book until the time of the end. Many shall seek and knowledge shall be multiplied…” 

Daniel 12:4

Advent always brings anticipation. After all, most of us remember twitching in hard pew church seats as we watched the candlelight spread across the church and buried the words to Silent Night in our hearts. We remember sleepless nights when Christmas morning took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to arrive.  We remember when going to Grandma’s house and playing with cousins all day was almost as good as getting presents in a stocking. 

When love was a verb that vibrated throughout the whole day and into the new year.

Moving brings anticipation as well.  Daniel knew that feeling as he was abducted from Israel to Babylon. Mary and Joseph knew it as they packed their donkey and began the walk towards Bethlehem. There is also anticipation in Being Still times.  Times when one goes outside to move loads of mulch and seeing dead dirt taking on definition of words being pondered.  Times when bringing new wood color back to an old parquet wood floor lends itself to seeing new life in old words.  Times when working the body’s muscles in silence allows the mind to ponder more deeply Rocks of Promise – whispers after the storm – places where stakes are to be driven.

Advent – Anticipation – Change that bring understanding – in His time.

I, Daniel, heard, and I did not understand and I said: “My Lord, what is after these things?”  And he said to me: “Go, Daniel, because they are hidden, and the words are sealed until the time of the end” Many shall be chosen and shall be washed white and shall be proven, and sinners shall sin and no sinners shall understand, but the doers of good shall understand.” Daniel 12:8-10 #Advent #latterdays #Hedrawethnigh #rapture

Shadow-Spooky-Sparkle kitty loves being still at Christmas time

STILLNESS 2023 on the 8th Day of Christmas

Be still, and know [discover] that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10


The first day of the new year, and already, I did not do as I was commanded to do in 2023. 

Several weeks ago, I was given this verse in a multiple of ways and the same concept through multiple verses.  Be Still. Stillness. Wait. Discover. Holy Spirit nudges are hard to ignore when He gives enough hints that even this rebellious child eventually notices and faces the obvious.  Our Father wants me to sit in STILLNESS this year.

Quit the useless frittering away of time.  Quit jumping from one thing to the next.  Quit trying to solve everything myself. 


Not an easy assignment for this old teacher – moving around – doing chores – solving problems – walking the choc lab girl – enjoying the woods seems like a much better idea. So what did I do this first day of a new year with that new command from the LORD?  I moved furniture around……..twice.  Then I moved some plants outside so that they could feel the sun on their faces in this short respite from winter.  I walked through the woods to check for down trees or limbs. I bent over to throw the ball for the lab girl like I was 20 again, and the arthritic back yelled at me – again.

Needless to say, when I finally sat down to listen to a couple of my favorite pastors, guess what verse was one of the first verses, that they spoke – and yes – two of them referred to Psalm 46:10.  Sometimes, GOD is not subtle with me at all.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait [who are still] for the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:30-31

I re-read this verse several times today.  I know it well, and have often used it as one of my Rocks of Promise from Our Father. Times when I’ve been weary, worn down, an ready to ‘utterly fall’. Today, I wrote it down again. I let the Holy Spirit open my eyes to read it again.  I read it out loud.  I read it silently, and then I centered myself in His STILLNESS

My arthritic back ached. In being my rebellious self, even my body was trying to remind me what I should have been thinking on this first day of 2023. 


If I sit in His STILLNESS as He commanded in Psalm 46, He will bring forth His promise of Isaiah 40, so that my feet will be secure and my strength will be renewed. I just need to get out of my own way and obey.

The shepherds rose up and listened to the LORD’s command to find the babe lying in a manager, thus, they were blessed to be some of the first to see the gift GOD had given by His Grace and Love. While it may have taken the wise men a little longer to arrive, they too, listened to the command in the ancient prophecies and followed the star. They were able to worship and bring their gifts to the Promise that had been made flesh.

“In the mystery of the Word made Flesh the Maker of the stars was born.”

Madeleine L’Engle

 Like usual – it has taken me a little longer than the average bear to figure out that I am far better off when I actually stand on the Rock of Promise that Abba gives me – when He gives it to me – than procrastinate by walking on the worldly sand of my own wisdom. Better for me.  Better for those given to my sphere.  Better all the way around since I am living according to His will instead of my own.

Tonight, I am thankful for Our Father’s grace in this new year of 2023.  I am thankful for all the wonders and miracles that I know He has already designed and planted on my path for this new year.  My assignment – should I choose to accept it – is just to live in His STILLNESS – to WAIT in His STILLNESS – to DISCOVER the new Rocks of Promises that He has placed for my feet.  Rocks that will make my steps secure and lead me safely forward – to the Rock Higher Than – to His Son, YESHUA HA’MASHIACH

“What God has written he has written not for our opinion but for our obedience.”

John Blanchard

#latterdays #rapture #Hedrawethnigh


When it is 4:58 A.M. on a Monday morning and the words of a psalm that you don’t recognize are whispering through your mind, you don’t argue or whine or cover your head with your deep winter comforter…you just get up. (You might however, revert to those teenage years of old when your parents were trying to pull you out of bed.) You might roll your sleepy eyes, might yawn a rather loud protest, sigh deeply in petulance, pet the choc lab girl who is already sitting at the side of the bed (as if she heard the same summons), and reluctantly stick the feet into the cold to start devotions and turn on the heat and some lights.  Did you know that it is still rather dark at that time of the morning? 


“Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

Psalm 131:2

And there they were.  The words I didn’t recognize in sleep mode – re-shaping themselves into words on a page. Words of David written long ago as a song of ascent to sing on the way to Jerusalem. Words that were just waiting for me to notice today in the reading of the Psalms as I began my devotions.

That is one Affirmation of Advent Hope. A dark morning illuminated by the His Light radiating deep into my soul.

Of course, the deeper, harder lessons followed. The ancient watchmen who stood on the wall and listen in the quietness of their souls to the WORD of the LORD that came to them.  Those people who observed from high towers, the darkness of the world in their times and – at the same time – saw the Light of the One who spoke to them overpowering it.  Those people who, amid the noisiness and violence of the spiritual battle raging around them, found strength and their armor in the rocks under their feet to stand in the gap between Heaven and Hell.  Those people who, when buffeted by the storms of the world or fiendish storms of demons, courageously held to the convictions of the One who created them for such a time as this.

Watchmen calling out the warnings of judgement, reminding the people that a righteous GOD loves them beyond their back-trodden ways, pointing out the path of repentance that could lead them home, foretelling the future – a future full of blessings that come to those whose eyes and ears are open to listen to the sound of the shofar and the cries of the watchmen.

Affirmations of Advent Hope that are there for all to know the are loved.

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and fails to blow the horn to warn the people, and the sword comes and takes away a life, then that one will be taken away in his iniquity, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.’

Ezekiel 33:6

The watchmen took their assignments seriously.  The warnings come for them as well as the worldly storms of these latter days continue to increase. The watchmen YAH has placed on the walls today, know these warnings as well. Birth pangs of old and birth pangs of today grow intensely as the time draws nearer for the advent of the birth of the prophecy. Volcanoes erupting. Earthquakes. Famines. Droughts. Infestations. Plagues. Collapsing economies. Inconceivable violence. Revolts and rioting in many countries – on almost every continent. Wars and rumors of wars.

The world speaks against Advent Hope and yet – while the watchmen continue to call loudly from the walls even in our present hour, the WORD speaks softly of the Blessed Advent Hope within our quieted minds as well. When we allow ourselves to become calm – when we quiet the voice of the world in our mind – when we become like the weaned child – the child who no longer needs the simplistic substance of milk – but the child who is ready for the more complex manna – willing to observe and listen to the One they trust  – leaning into the security of the One who loves them most – that is the Affirmation of Advent Hope.

Affirmation of Advent Hope designed for the child that the Holy Father has designed them to be.

Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.”

Matthew 18:3-5

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“Consider the Lilies” by Greg Olsen

AFFIRMATION 2022: Watchmen on the Wall

Cold – changing seasons – world-wide mayhem – broken walls – unceasing prayer – Rocks of Promises on which to stand in this chaotic world.

Sing to the LORD a new song;

sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Sing to the LORD, bless His name;

proclaim His salvation day after day.

Declare His glory among the nations,

His wonderful deeds among all peoples…….

Psalm 96:1-3

These are the days the SON draws me ever deeper into His hand as He shows me the etching scars I need to touch and understand. 

I have been cold all day even though our temperatures were warmer than the past few days.  And for most of the day, I just figured it was because the 60’s of Fall are a lot different than the 60’s of Spring when I throw all the windows open as soon as it hits that magical 6–0 number. I also figured my 70+ old body was just telling me a little louder that I don’t like cold weather anymore.

But tonight, as I was celebrating having my computer back, shivering under a warm blanket, and relaxing after a wonderful piano lesson with one of my favorite kidlets, I realized YAH and His SON were trying to get my attention with this “cold” feeling. It was more than a physical cold.  It was deeper. Grandma Mac would say, “It’s a deep bone cold I’m feeling tonight.”

Spiritual cold. Not just me – but our spiritually “cold” world where the warmth of Our Father has been replace by the coldness of the “gods” of Noah’s time.

For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods, for all the gods of the peoples are idols…

Psalm 96:4-5a

The idols from the time of Noah have more visibly returned in these latter days.  So yesterday, I wasn’t surprised to find myself reading about another time when the “gods” of Noah were more visible in the world. It was the time when Samuel first heard the voice of YHWH. He had learned much about the religion, but now he was being called into a personal relationship with his LORD. Eli, a priest of the LORD’s temple, was growing older.  His sons and the people of Israel had begun to break the hedges of YHWH’s blessings to go their own way – – to worship the idols of their choices.  The curses that Moses had spoken of long ago had returned, and it was at this time, that the LORD called forth a new watchman to try to remind His people of His covenant and his love for them. 

“Hineni”, Samuel answered, “Here I am”.

Samuel listened and spoke the words he was given to speak to Eli, and to the people of Israel. Words of warning.  Words of prophecies.  Words to call the people back to the LORD. But the people did not listen as Samuel had. They did not say, “Hineni”.  Their ears were stopped.  Their eyes closed.  Where GOD’s love had encircled them with walls of blessings, a vacuous hole grew larger as the new “gods/idols” walked in. 

There are new watchmen standing on the walls of the world today.  They have listened to the still, small voice that continuously calls their name.  They said, “Hineni”. The question remains………who is willing to listen to the watchmen crying from their towers on the wall?  Who is willing to turn off the chaos of the idols’ chatter to listen to a still small voice within them? Who is willing to stand in the gap of the broken walls and try to re-build them? Who is willing to say, “Hineni”?

Say among the nations, The LORD reigns; The world also is firmly established, it shall not be moved; He shall judge the peoples righteously.”

Psalm 96:10

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[Google image]

AFFIRMATION 2022: 30 Days of Pray for America, Day 26: A Timely Manner of Completion

In retirement, “one” gets used to getting things done – but on most days – it seems like getting things done in slo-mo.  There is no rush in anything.  If “one” gets side-tracked in devotions or reading a book or talking to a friend or falling asleep with choc lab girl’s head on the lap, it is all okay. Time passes and all is well.

Time in the slo-mo day of retirement has a season of its own, but it doesn’t bode well for achieving a timely completion of things.

Arranging many things to fit into my day was one of the many things that I gladly left behind when I retired from teaching. But even in this slower paced time of life, there are weeks when a mandatory schedule seems to establish itself, and while it is not anxiety driven or setting a maddening pace, it is enough to notice the absence of that absolute freedom “one” has gotten used to in this portion of life. Of course, there is always that fear in the back-of-the-mind that “one” has forgotten something or lost track of something in the squashed pace of getting things done. A crack in the ground beneath the feet.

A timely manner of completion comes to all – later or sooner – it comes.

“You, LORD, let me catch my breath so I can walk in the right direction.”

Ps 23:3 [Message version]

As I squeezed in my early morning devotions over the past couple of weeks, I pondered how quickly time has flown. Seems like it was just spring, and I was preparing the gardens for new growth. Raking leaves away. Pulling weeds. Digging in soil. Then suddenly – it is fall, and I am preparing the gardens for sleep. Cutting back old growth. Pulling weeds. Trimming bushes. And just like that the summer of 2022  – and – the 30 Days to Pray for America are wrapping up.   

I breathe in YAH and wait until I feel WEH rise up and fly to Our Father with all the prayers buried within my soul.

I know that Rauch Ha’Kodesh has inspired prayer after prayer over the past 26 days. I also know that those prayers have risen in beams of light to the throne where YHWH has listened and seen our prayers rest in the palm of His hand.  I also know Yeshua Ha’Mashiach stood beside me when the tears fell on that prayer list in my lap.  Tears for this land that was dedicated to His principles to become a “City upon a Hill” [Matthew 5:14]. 

“For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.” 

John Winthrop Sermon on the Mayflower, 1630

Like all man-made creations, the land emerged, a country shaped with the best of intentions that fell short of the original dedication and vision of people following His Light. Thus, the Light in that “City upon a Hill” has been blinking more and more over the years.  Sometimes, not showing much Light at all – and at other times – shooting forth a bright beam of Light – His Light revived once more. Of short duration, perhaps, but still rising up – a revival.  Such it is for a fallen world. 

But there is a remnant. A remnant who still carry John Winthrop’s vision in their hearts and souls for this country.  A people who can still see that city’s light, His Light, shining from the hill that is based upon His tenets.  A people in search of Revival.  A people who are looking up and seeing the signs of time in the Heavens above them. A people who are looking around them into the face of all a weeping creation. A people who are looking below into Terra, the very earth itself, as it trembles and cracks beneath their feet. 

A Bride waiting for the Bridegroom.

“Be Holy because I am Holy…

Lev 11:45b /1 Peter 1:16

#latterdays  #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

Fresco by Franz Xaver Kirchebner in the parish church of Ortisei, Italy

AFFIRMATION 2022: 30 Days to Pray for America, Day 7: The Courageous Choices

Every year I look forward to seeing the “first day of school” pictures.  It just opens up all those treasure chest memories from my childhood to my retirement, and I have to laugh through the tears. 

When you are a teacher, there is no escaping the first day of school – whether it was with my parents  – or meeting the new student as their parents snap a picture – or trying to grab a picture with my own off-spring with their new teacher – or standing in front of school greeting new students as they get dropped off – those ‘first day of school’ pictures have been a thing for decades.

“The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

William Arthur Ward, 1921-1994, author

When I went was a youngin starting school, there were catholic schools, Amish schools, and public schools.  I don’t remember anyone being homeschooled or going to a charter school.  When my kidlets were ready for school, we made the choice to homeschool the littles. Got to admit, I got a lot of flack for it – especially from some of my teacher friends and administrators. 

Homeschooling wasn’t a well-developed concept during the late 80’s. There were no developed curriculum providers, but since I had taught pre-school and all grades between that and six grade, I wasn’t worried about that side off it.  I had taught student teachers on the collegiate level as I taught them how to teach pre-school aged students. I taught in the inner city and supervised student teachers.  I taught in a small, rural school with some Amish students and supervised student teachers again. But most of all, throughout my early years as a teacher, I had been blessed with fantastic older teachers in every school who took me under their wings and inspired me to try even harder for my students.

Courageous Choices are the ones that are made based on doing what one thinks is right despite being unpopular or non-traditional.

There were many reasons I wanted to homeschool my kidlets, but mainly – – – if I’m being honest with myself – – – I wanted more time with them. I loved being with them.  I loved teaching, but I especially wanted them to hear a Bible story as we started a day of learning. I wanted to sing Sunday School songs and dance to the music with them. I wanted to be able to talk about those stories and their deep lessons just like my grade school teachers did with me.  I wanted the Bible to be a part of their lives from morning prayers to evening prayers.

When the time came that I needed to return to teaching, I still wanted my kidlets to hear Bible stories, learn the deep wisdom, and see the power of a prayer community, so I taught at the Christian school where we enrolled them.  However, I think YAH had his own curriculum plan in place for me. I think I learned more than they did as I was blessed with getting to know some fantastic teachers who surrounded me and taught me deep wisdom as well.

Teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”

Psalm 90:12

As I sat outside this afternoon praying for America, I was thinking about how education has changed in our nation.  Over the years, I continued to read many books on education, teachers, philosophy, science, and I wondered. I attended many of those first conferences where they talked about the new ways to teach math, history, and English, and wondered some more. I watch the news over the years about education, look at the books being used, read the curriculums being designed and wonder some more.

I am retired, but I am as my Father designed me to be since my heart is still that of a teacher. 

Parents are making Courageous Choices concerning their children whether it be homeschooling, charter schools, attending a school board meeting or standing in prayer over their children’s bed at night.  Teachers are making Courageous Choices on how they are teaching whether they follow the dictates of a curriculum, keep a Bible on their desk, open their rooms during free time for students who need to talk or stand on their Rocks of their Faith above all else. In their own way, students are making Courageous Choices on a daily basis as well. 

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.”

Matthew 24:37-39

In the Olivet Discourse, one of the things that Jesus warns is that Courageous Choices would have to be made in the latter days of this grace period (or church age) in time.  As I have prayed for America during the past eight days, Courageous Choices have weighed on my mind heavily in many different ways.  Today, the Holy Spirit set education in front of me, and it hit me hard.  Education – children – wisdom have always been my passion.

Today I pray that America will be strong enough to make Courageous Choices and to stand once again upon the Rock of Promises of the One who put us here at exactly this space in time.  

#latterdays  #rapture #Hedrawethnigh

AFFIRMATION 2022: 30 Days of Pray for Country, Day 3:

A Psalm. A Song for the Sabbat. 92nd Psalm.

The NC heatwave has broken…at least for a minute. Humidity down. Low temps in the morning.  Joy in the morning. “It is good to praise the LORD…”

The last of my mulch pile is gone, but at least I still have things to do outside that I put off during the summer heat.  Bushes to trim.  Plants to move to new homes. Lawn to mow. And…by the sign of the leaves dropping from the trees, it will be leaf raking time before I know it.  “…to proclaim Your love in the morning…”

It is good to praise the Lord

and make music to your name, O Most High,

proclaiming your love in the morning

and your faithfulness at night…   


Remember formal church?  These days, many churches jump start their worship service with a wailing band, pumped-up, rousing chorus or two of praise songs; others in the church enjoy rowing out into the middle of the lake an worshiping in solitude, still others in the church like watching digital church from home, another group of church goers – like the old ways of a formal church. It is just a little harder to find that kind of church now. You remember that, don’t you?

  • A bell or clarion ringing above.
  • Quiet whispers of greeting.
  • Finding the familiar pew.
  • Families sitting together.
  • A choir singing music in harmony.
  • An organ or piano playing.
  • An altar with a cross, candles and flowers.
  • Minutes of quiet, peaceful awe mixed with prayers of others.
  • A call to worship followed by the choral reading of the Psalm of the day.

Have to admit, I miss those worship services. I loved singing in the choir and hearing the voices around me blend in harmonic praise.  I loved the quiet of the nave as people entered, and the time of individual prayer before church even started. I loved the words of the Psalms turning in my head long after Sunday ended (of course, it helped that many of the choir songs were actually directly quoted from the Psalms)

 How great are your works, Lord,

how profound your thoughts!


During the past month, I started trying to recreate that quiet, meditative awe-filled start of my days that I learned as a child. (Retirement does have its advantages.) My porch in the early morning faces the east.  I find my familiar ‘pew’, a comfy porch chair. My family joins me – as choc lab girl sits somewhere close (as long as the sun is not shining on her for the entire time) and kitty – sometimes – wanders up to my lap – if she is not busy pursing whatever catches her attention.  The birds’ singing takes the place of the call to worship bells, as my thoughts drift into those thankful prayers of awe and wonder. When the HOLY SPIRIT moves me (or I have an appointment and need to get moving), I open my Bible and read 5 Psalms out loud from the King James Version of 1611.  Believe me – that is a challenge…small print and unusual words do tend to stretch my read-a-loud ability in these latter days of gray hair and fumbling tongue.

But you, Lord, are forever exalted.


Since I decided to dedicate 30 days to praying for my country, my prayers have been on my country, my prayer list, and whatever He puts on my heart.  It has always been hard for me to sit still, keep my ears open and just listen for His wisdom. And – when I am really antsy or getting sidetracked by the hummingbirds that are buzzing the porch, I look for a verse to center me back to where I need to be paying attention.  If that verse comes from on of the prophets of the OT, I take a deep breath as I copy it into my journal because there is often a very strong spiritual side to the physical words I am writing. 

Two days ago, it was Nehemiah.  Yesterday, it was Luke.  Today, it was Isaiah. Isaiah 61.

For I, the Lord, love justice;

I hate robbery and wrongdoing.

In my faithfulness I will reward my people

and make an everlasting covenant with them.

Their descendants will be known among the nations

and their offspring among the peoples.

All who see them will acknowledge

v. 8-9

Tonight, I as I am praying and pondering over the wisdom that He has hidden within His WORD, wondering where these 30 days of prayer will lead all of us as a nation, the silence within me grows…but so does His peace. He gave us this time of grace – a time to get to know His Son and the love and mercy He gave His life to establish over us.  It is also a very good time to remember, that His Son gave to His beloved apostle, John, the ending of His book.

  • The time of grace will end.
  • The time of tribulation will begin.
  • The judgment of YESHUA HA’MASHIACH will happen.
  • The true millennial reign will commence. New Jerusalem.
  •           New names.
  •           New bodies.
  •           A white stone.
  •           New government with one King.
  •           Peace throughout the world.
  •           And – eventually – another faith journey.

Whether it is far off or around the corner, I can rest on His Rocks of Promise.  Isaiah 61 ends with another promise that is worth reading tonight and centering my heart in His peace for these troubled times.

The BRIDEGROOM is coming soon, and this bride is trying to keep lots of oil on hand for my lamp.

I delight greatly in the Lord;

my soul rejoices in my God.

For he has clothed me with garments of salvation

and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness,

as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,

and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

For as the soil makes the sprout come up

and a garden causes seeds to grow,

so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness

and praise spring up before all nations.   

v. 10-11

“Sacred Space” by Greg Olsen

AFFIRMATION of 2022: Fruit of the Tree

“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”

– Basil of Caesarea

I stood by a tree yesterday that I have loved looking since I moved into this house. When I sit on the porch, I can watch it move with the wind as it stands as a sentinel at the edge of the woods. At one time, it was buried in the midst of many other trees around it; close to the dry bed ravine and not far from the road. But now, it is the tree that defines the border between woods and yard.

It is a poplar tree.  Not a strong tree, but not a weak tree either. Its base is wide and appears strong, but the storms of life has taken its toll.  From further away, I can see the twists and bends that it has made in order to grow so tall.  Yet now, as I stand underneath it, I am picking the bark off of one side of that wide base.  I can guess what has caused it, but that doesn’t matter. The buds have formed for the leaves, and I feel blessed that it will bear fruit of leaves in the spring – at least this year.

As I sit here thinking of that tree tonight, I begin to ponder how close we are to March and the beginning of Lent. The hope for an easier year of peace and joy already fading from our thoughts as the storms of 2022 start to bend and force the trunk of this year to change in ways that we never thought possible. Who would have thunk that a plague of almost 2+ years would still be wreaking havoc, and that we would be watching – almost in real time – a war of possible/probable major proportions? Nuclear war? Peaceful protestors attacked, jailed, while their properties and monies are seized? Inflation eating away incomes? Shortages of some things still occurring in many places or long waits for a new car? Young men deployed to a war-torn land far away, leaving family and friends behind? Young children who have never been to school without a mask – or seen a teacher without one? 

“This is my comfort in these afflictions; Your WORD gives me life.”

Psalm 119:50

It is the fruit of that WORD – a strong tree of life – a tree that continues to stand at the edge of the world’s woods.  A sentinel tree that stands between the dark chaos of the world’s woods, and the well-tended garden that awaits those who pick a bright fruit from the tree. Fruit of the tree. A lamp unto the feet. A lamp that serves to hold back the shifting shadows and reveal a narrow path.  A path dotted with roots, rocks and rotted holes, but now – a lit path – a path making the steps of the pilgrim secure.

As Lent approaches, the lights of Christmas in my windows begin to fade into storage for later this year. The Christmas cards come down from the card tree, but the pictures will remain for prayer.  As I look at my Christmas card tree, I wonder what the world’s woods will look like at the end of 2022. I wonder how many other storms between now and then will attack the sentinel tree.  I wonder how many more signs of prophecies will have to appear in the news before the scoffers realize that the latter days are here.

My prayers are often deep calling unto deep, but I sleep in peace, sheltered under my Sentinel’s branches. His fruited lamp sitting at my bed side as I continue to pray for friends with COVID or other medical concerns.  Praying for those all over the world’s woods who stand for freedom, despite their fears.  Praying for those puffed up on pride and shouting their tyrannical rhetoric. Praying for those I know who are struggling with rising prices and counting pennies between paychecks. Praying for the world’s woods in such a time as this. But most of all, thanking YAH for all His affirmations and for sending His Son, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach and His Breath, Ruach Ha’Kodesh to be the Sentinel standing at the edge of the world’s woods with their lighted fruit so that we might grow fruit as well.     

“Ho! Everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters;
And you who have no money,
Come, buy and eat.
Yes, come, buy wine and milk
Without money and without price.
Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.
Incline your ear, and come to Me.
Hear, and your soul shall live;
And I will make an everlasting covenant with you—”


Isaiah 55: 1-3

#BeBlessed #Hedrawethnigh #rapture