Daily Archives: November 29, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude #28

thankfulAttitude of Gratitude #28: DVD’s. After a couple of very serious Gratitudes, I decided to lighten it up a little because I am thankful for my DVD’s. My kids make fun of me for still buying DVD’s. Can you hear them? “Mom, you can watch it on Netflix/ROKU/VUDO/(substitue whatever movie outlet you know)”.I know, I know. I’m fairly tech savy, so I really do know. We own a ROKU and use it often. However, even with all those choices, they don’t have some of the movies I want to see. Even if I subscribed to all of them, there still wouldn’t be some of my favorite movies.

I love knowing that in times of extreme boredom, sickness, or gotta-watch-something-while-I-cross-stich-Grands’-Christmas-stockings-or-I’ll-go-nuts, I can go to the movie storage bins and find the movie I want to watch instead of something that just happens to be the flavor of the month. Like today – I watched thanksgiving-scripture-2two of my favorites. Newsies and Noel. (Hmmmm…didn’t think about them both starting with “N”). I’ve watched Newsies at least once every year since it came out in 1992. When my children were in love with it, it was probably once a week. Noel I like because it isn’t your typical Christmas movie, but it has a lot more of the Christmas spirit than some of those “typical” Christmas movies they show repetitively on Hallmark or Lifetime. It was bittersweet this year watching Robin Williams play a dying priest who had lost his faith.

Most of the times, I find that being thankful for the silly, mundane things helps me be more thankful for the things that seem beyond my understanding. As this month of Gratitude winds down, I look back over my list and wonder how much I might learn if I did this every day of my life. Whether I am watching movies or on my knees, I can… “…be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Col 3:15-17quotes-verses2